Sales manager with federal diploma, EMC Bachelor

Sales manager with federal diploma, EMC Bachelor

CHF 20’000
1 year — 2 years
Expert level
Federal diploma / higher technical examination

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Welcome to EXTRAKT - the continuing education institute for marketing and sales. In-service preparatory courses for federal examinations. Small classes only. Only marketing & sales. Personal. Individu...
EXTRAKT GmbH Weiterbildungsinstitut & Beratungsagentur für Marketing und Verkauf 8126 Zumikon-Zürich


What you learn: Sales managers...

  • Create comprehensive analyses for sales planning as well as simpler market analyses, interpret the necessary data and derive relevant conclusions for their own company.
  • Develop simple marketing strategies in accordance with the company's objectives.
  • Develop sales and distribution strategies for defined assortments/target groups and/or geographic markets.
  • Develop key account and commercial strategies and establish primary and secondary sales planning.
  • Build sales control systems and plan the necessary infrastructure for the sales area (logistics, IT systems, electronic media, etc.).
  • Develop marketing strategies and implement operational measures for individual marketing instruments, particularly in the area of sales/sales promotion.
  • Develop and control sales budgets.
  • Organize and lead the sales department.

This is how we work - your advantages

  • Small classes with a maximum of 12 participants allow for a participant-focused, comprehensive preparation for the external federal examination.
  • Part-time: 100% professional activity possible through weekend classes.
  • Maximum practical relevance through our own consulting agency and experienced lecturers.
  • Consistent orientation to the requirements of the external federal examination by means of presentations, instructional discussions, individual and group work and intensive seminars lasting several days for 1:1 simulation of the federal examination.
  • Regular reflection on your individual performance.
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  • You have completed your professional training and have several years of experience in a management function in marketing or sales.
  • Your knowledge of accounting is at the level of commercial school/KV or you are prepared to acquire this level in our preliminary accounting course. We will be happy to support you with an objective assessment.
  • You are motivated to devote a substantial part of your free time to your further education goal.
  • Your native language is German or you have very good oral and written German skills.

We would be happy to clarify these requirements with you in a personal, non-binding consultation.


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