hop: A Language to Design Function-Overload-Sets - Tobias Loew - [CppNow 2021]

hop: A Language to Design Function-Overload-Sets - Tobias Loew - [CppNow 2021]

1 hour 32 minutes

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The video explores the concept of homogeneous variadic functions in C++ and introduces the 'hop' language for designing and defining function overload sets. The speaker explains how homogeneous variadic functions can simplify code and make it more expressive, but also discusses their limitations. They then delve into the details of hop, showing how it allows developers to create a function parameter building block system and define overload sets from them. The video also provides examples of using hop and looks at its internals. Finally, the speaker discusses some of the advanced features of hop, such as its ability to handle functions with multiple return types and its support for homogeneous variadic templates.


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