WEBCAST: Breaking Money Silence Across Generations

WEBCAST: Breaking Money Silence Across Generations

50 minutes

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Youtube is a video-sharing platform that offers a wide variety of educational content, including lectures, tutorials, and courses on a wide range of subjects....


The webcast 'Breaking Money Silence Across Generations' explores the significance of money conversations across different age groups. Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, a wealth psychology expert, explains that a lack of communication can lead to money silences, which can have a profound impact on financial decisions. The webcast delves into the reasons for these silences, such as fear, shame, and avoidance, and discusses strategies for breaking the silence, including setting ground rules, creating a safe space, and using storytelling to connect with others. The video highlights the importance of engaging individuals, couples, and families in money conversations to ensure financial stability and security across generations.


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