1 03 Dynamic Risk Taking and Social Engineering Chris Hadnagy

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In this educational video, Chris Hadnagy explores the concept of dynamic risk taking and its significance in social engineering. He begins by defining risk and providing examples, before delving into five lessons he learned from being a risk taker. These lessons include understanding the impact of one's actions, embracing uncertainty, and recognizing the value of failure. Chris also shares stories that illustrate each point, offering valuable insights into the world of social engineering. The video emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks to expand one's potential and achieve success, whether in personal or professional settings. Throughout the video, Chris maintains a jittery demeanor, revealing that he has been foiled by a prank from Dave, his colleague. Despite this, he remains determined to deliver an engaging and informative presentation. The video concludes with Chris encouraging viewers to take calculated risks in their daily lives, leading to personal growth and success. lern mehr


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