DROPSHIPPING INTRODUCTION - How to start dropshipping- Video 1  Updated

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In this video, Oscar provides an introduction to e-commerce and dropshipping. He explains what dropshipping is and how it works, and covers the basics of building an e-commerce platform using a website builder. He also shares his experience in creating a full tutorial on using the builder or platform for e-commerce. The video covers topics such as the importance of having the right tools for e-commerce, how to use Google platforms for e-commerce, and how to get started with dropshipping. Oscar provides detailed information on how to create a website and add products to it, as well as how to handle payments and shipping. He also discusses the importance of having a business online and how he has used the builder or platform to create an e-commerce site for his students. The video is informative and helpful for those looking to start an e-commerce business or expand their existing one using dropshipping. lern mehr


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