Global Financing Solutions (by EDHEC and Société Générale)

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EDHEC Business School is an international grande école located in France, providing state-of-the-art management education in a multicultural and entrepreneurial environment....


Class Central Tips
The MOOC Global Financing Solutions is your online gateway to better understanding of the dynamics of Finance, and its role at the very heart of promoting the “real economy” and global growth. Concretely, you will learn how companies finance themselves using banks and capital markets and how Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance criteria are now deeply integrated in all financing processes. We will look at the role of syndication, and how it links issuers looking to raise capital to grow their businesses with investors looking to manage their assets and possibly liabilities. The role of banks in wider society will also be explored, from helping airlines to lease aircraft, to financing roads and bridges that help promote transport and trade, to funding renewable energy sources such as wind or solar farms, right through to explaining the role of export finance, and the pivotal role exporting countries governments’ play, in promoting the movement of goods worldwide. We will showcase the lifecycle of commodities, from exploration, to processing and refining, to how banks facilitate the global trade of products such as agriculture products or everyday items. We will also look at the exciting world of acquisition finance and leverage buy-outs, enabling strategic moves for industry players, as well as securitization, the repackaging of debt, and hedging, especially important as a mean to protect corporate companies against rate or price fluctuations. Having a positive impact on society and the planet is clearly key for financial institutions. Throughout the whole course, we will illustrate with real cases the recent evolutions finance has gone through to incorporate ESG matters into its business decision making. The collaboration between Societe Generale and EDHEC Business School builds on a long-standing partnership based on one common objective: to provide future talents with access to information and expertise that enables them to grow. Through this MOOC, we are taking an innovative approach to learning by providing you with the theoretical basics of finance, thanks to the expertise of EDHEC as one of the world’s foremost business schools in Finance, and combining it with practical insights of business experts from Societe Generale, widely regarded as a global leader in Structured Finance, to show how the theory is put into practice.
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